Monday, October 11, 2010

thINK Journal 2: Don't lie.

The article, "Learning to Lie," found above in the New York Times has very excellent research and information on lies and how and when they start happening.

Many children are found innocent when they are young, but naturally, they are learning how to become good liars. Around three years old, kids will start lying about things that even their parents see them do. Around four years old, they start learning how to become good liars which “is a strong sign that he/she has brains.” Reading this article, I found that even though we think “truthfulness is a young child’s virtue,” it’s really “lying that becomes more of the advanced skill.” While these statements were hard to believe, they made sense. A child has to recognize the truth in order to lie, and make it a good lie at that.

As the children grow older, they start lying about situations that could get them into serious trouble. “For two decades, parents have rated ‘honesty’ as the trait they most want in their children.” This shows how much trouble parents have at home with trying to fix this problem and that something needs to be changed. Many say that trust and honesty are essential in relationships and that lying is wrong, yet most of them lie. If people say that lying is wrong and then go and lie, then where does that leave them? There has to be discipline for themselves and kids. If there is not discipline, how will we know when someone as close as our friends or family are telling the truth or not?

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